Program at glance
May 26(Sat.)
May 26(Sat.) TAKANE A
Opening Remarks9:45-9:50
Koji Hasegawa, Chair of 23rd ISCP Kyoto 2018, President of ISCP
Future Pharmacotherapy for Atherosclerosis: Basic Science for the Clinician
Kensuke Noma, Hiroshima, Japan
Morihiro Matsuda, Kure, Japan
Speakers (14 minutes talk followed by 3.5 minutes Q&A for each speaker):
Tatsuya Sawamura, Nagano, Japan
Modified Lipoproteins and LOX-1 in Cardiovascular Disease
Noboru Ashida, Kyoto, Japan
Role of inflammatory signaling in vascular calcification
Tetsuya Matoba, Fukuoka, Japan
Ezetimibe ameliorates coronary endothelial dysfunction through decreases in oxysterols
Koh Ono, Kyoto, Japan
SREBF1/MicroRNA-33b axis exhibits potent effect on unstable atherosclerotic plaque formation in vivo
Joint Panel Discussion with ESC Working Group on
Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy11:00-12:20
Cardiac and Systemic Linkage for the Control of Hypertension
Heinz Drexel, Austria
Koji Hasegawa, Kyoto, Japan
Speakers (15 minutes talk for each followed by discussion of 20 minutes by all):
Thomas Kahan, Sweden
Hypertensive heart disease
Stefan Agewall, Norway
Effective at last – The new glucose-lowering drugs that reduce CV events
Celso Amodeo, Brazil
Resistant hypertension
Junichi Oyama, Saga, Japan
Sleep apnea syndrome
Lunch Box Seminar supported by GSK12:30-13:30
Pulmonary Hypertension
Atsushi Nakano, Japan
Carlos Jardim, Brazil
Hiromi Matsubara, Okayama, Japan
Panel Discussion13:40-15:00
Prevention of Atherosclerotic Events by Targeting Lipid Metabolism and Inflammation
Juan Carlos Kaski, UK
Celso Amodeo, Brazil
Speakers (20 minutes talk for each followed by discussion of 20 minutes by all):
Heinz Drexel, Austria
PCSK9-inhibitors for which patient?
Masaaki Kawashiri, Kanazawa, Japan
Familiar Hypercholesterolemia
Alberto Lorenzatti, Argentina
Anti-inflammatory drugs: niche treatment or broad application?
Coffee Break15:00-15:15
Meet the Experts - pharmacotherapy challenges -15:15-16:05
Koji Hasegawa and Juan Carlos Kaski
George Dan, Thomas Kahan, Antoni Martinez Rubio, Felipe Martìnez.
Topics to be discussed (12.5 minutes each):
- What is the best strategy for the management of HFpEF?
- Should we use a same type of anticoagulant for all patients with AF?
- PCSK9 Inhibitors: Indications and timing
- Are β-blockers useful for the management of systemic hypertension?
Coffee Break16:05-16:20
Joint WHF/ISCP Plenary Session16:20-17:40
Global Cardiovascular Risk Management to Achieve ‘25 by 25’
Chairs and Modulateors:
Jean-Luc Eiselé, CEO, World Heart Federation
Koji Hasegawa, President, ISCP
Opening Remarks:
Chuichi Kawai, Past President of World Heart Federation
Speakers and Discussants (10 minutes speak for each followed by discussion of 30 minutes):
Katsuyuki Miura, Shiga, Japan
Global Epidemiology in Cardiovascular Risk Factors
Alvaro S. Liprandi, Argentina
Roadmaps to Achieve ‘25 by 25’ ─Global and Regional Coalitions─
Shinji Koba, Tokyo.Japan
The Role of Exercise for Cardiovascular Prevention
Maki Komiyama, Kyoto, Japan
Smoking and depression in Cardiovascular Disease
Edgardo Escobar, Chile
Telemedicine to Reduce Mortality in Heart Attacks
Henry N. Neufeld Memorial Award Lecture17:40-18:10
Precision Medicine: Molecular Phenotyping in Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy
Masayuki Yoshida, Tokyo Japan
Lina Badimon, Catalan Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences (ICCC)
Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)
May 26(Sat.) TAKANE B
Reprograming and Regeneration of the Heart: Basic Science for the Clinician
Tatsuya Morimoto, Shizuoka Japan
Shuhei Tomita, Osaka, Japan
Speakers (14 minutes talk followed by 3.5 minutes Q&A for each speaker):
Teruhisa Kawamura, Kyoto, Japan
Dissecting the Process of Metabolic Shift during iPS Cell Reprogramming from Fibroblasts
Junko Kurokawa, Shizuoka, Japan
Electrophysiological maturation of human iPS-derived cardiomyocytes
Masaki Ieda, Ibaraki, Japan
Direct Cardiac Reprogramming and Heart Regeneration
Takeru Makiyama, Kyoto, Japan
Modelling long-QT syndrome with human iPS cells and development of new
Joint session of ISCP and ISCMF11:00-12:20
Recent Advances in Cardiomyopathies, Myocarditis and Heart Failure
Mario Maranhao, Brazil
Peter Schultheiss, Germany
Speakers (15 minutes talk followed by 5 minutes Q&A for each speaker):
Akira Matsumori, Kyoto, Japan
New biomarkers of inflammation and cardiovascular risk
Peter Liu, Ottawa, Canada
Genetic and Protein Biomarkers in the Diagnosis and Management of
Cardiomyopathies and Heart Failure.
Andre Keren, Israel
Clinical implications of the new European definition of dilated cardiomyopathy
Leslie Cooper, USA
The Evolving Role for Nuclear Imaging in Unexplained Cardiomyopathy
Peter Schultheiss, Germany
Modelling long-QT syndrome with human iPS cells and development of new pharmacotherapies
Seminar with Lunch Box12:30-13:30
Up-to-date Topics of Atrial Fibrillation and Anti-coagulant Therapy
Felipe Martinez, Argentina
Masaharu Akao, Kyoto, Japan
Risk stratification of atrial fibrillation in Asia
Dalmo Moreira, Brazi
Is there a role for the nonvit K antagonist in the prevention of atrial fibrillation?
Pharmacotherapy and Life-style Modification for Heart Failure: the Present and the Future
Shigetake Sasayama, Kyoto, Japan
Yasushi Fujio, Osaka, Japan
Speakers (20 minutes talk followed by 6 minutes Q&A for each speaker):
Sang Hong Baek, Korea
Myocardial fibrosis and new options for treatment
Felipe Martinez, Argentina
New drugs in heart failure: more of the same or the beginning of a new era?
Takuya Kishi, Fukuoka, Japan
Cardiac linkage with brain and autonomic nervous system
Coffee Break15:00-15:15
Cardiovascular Imaging Guiding Pharmacotherapy
Alberto Lorenzatti, Argentina
Masataka Sata, Tokushima, Japan
Speakers (15 minutes talk followed by 5 minutes Q&A for each speaker):
Augusto Gallino, Switzerland
Role of imaging in developing new drugs
Takashi Akasaka, Wakayama, Japan
Optical coherence tomography
Mitsuyasu Terashima, Aiti, Japan
Intravascular Ultrasound
Poster Session18:20-19:20
May 26(Sat.) TAKANE A and TAKANE B
Reception Party19:30-
May 27(Sun.)
Educational Session in Japanese8:20-13:30
May 27(Sun.) TAKANE A
Panel Discussion13:40-14:40
Controversies in Anti-coagulant Therapy in Atrial Fibrillation and Venous Thromboembolism
George A. Dan, Romania
Takanori Ikeda, Tokyo, Japan
Speakers (15 minutes each followed by discussion of 15 minutes by all):
Ali Oto, Turkey
Risk stratification of stroke in AF
Antoni Martinez-Rubio Barcelona, Spain
Shinji Hisatake, Tokyo, Japan
Panel Discussion14:40-15:40
Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation: the Place of Antiarrhythmic Drugs
Ali Oto, Turkey
Atsushi Sugiyama, Tokyo, Japan
Speakers (20 minutes each followed by discussion of 20 minutes by all):
George A. Dan, Romania
Antiarrhythmic drugs
Naohiko Takahashi, Oita, Japan
Inflammation in AF
Joint Workshop with
Asian Pacific Society of Cardiology (APSC)15:40-16:40
Prediction and Prevention of Sudden Cardiac Death and Syncope
Jiunn-Lee Lin, Taiwan (from APSC)
Nannette R. Rey, Philippine (from ISCP)
Speakers (15 minutes each followed by discussion of 15 minutes by all):
Anca Dan, Romania
Syncope: Diagnosis and risk stratification
Naohiko Takahashi, Oita, Japan
Sudden cardiac death in J-wave syndrome
Takanori Ikeda, Tokyo, Japan
Prediction of sudden cardiac death
Award Ceremony for Best Abstract Presentation16:40-17:00
Closing Remarks Augusto Gallino, Chair, 24th ISCP Switzerland 2019
May 27(Sun.) TAKANE B
Drug Management of Coronary Vasospasm, Microvascular Angina and Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy
Masatoshi Fujita, Kyoto, Japan
Masataka Sata, Tokushima, Japan
Speakers (15 minutes talk followed by 5 minutes Q&A for each speaker):
Juan Carlos Kaski, UK
Microvascular angina
Sang Hong Baek, Korea
Coronary vasospasm
Yoshihiro Akashi, Kanagawa, Japan
Takotsubo cardiomyopathy
Joint Symposium with
Asian Pacific Society of Cardiology (APSC)14:40-15:40
Biomarkers to Predict Acute Coronary Syndrome, Atherosclerosis and Heart Failure
San-Jou Yeh, Taiwan (from APSC)
Jorge A. Sison, Philippine (from ISCP)
Speakers (15 minutes talk followed by 5 minutes Q&A for each speaker):
Bernard MY Cheung, Hong Kong
Biomarkers for acute coronary syndrome - are they good enough?
Augusto Gallino, Switzerland
Hiromichi Wada, Kyoto, Japan
Vascular endothelial growth factor-C and mortality in patients with suspected coronary artery disease
Anti-thrombotic Therapy during and after Coronary Intervention
Augusto Gallino, Switzerland
Doreen Tan, Singapore
Speakers (15 minutes talk followed by 5 minutes Q&A for each speaker):
Bernard MY Cheung, Hong Kong
Resolving the controversy on optimal duration of dual antiplatelet therapy after coronary intervention
Antoni Martinez-Rubio, Barcelona, Spain
DOAC in coronary artery disease
Isao Taguchi, Saitama, Japan
Optimal anti-thrombotic therapy after PCI
May 27(Sun.) SHIDARE
Governor's Meeting10:30-13:30
May 27(Sun.) KOCHO
World Tobacco No Day Memorial Session13:40-15:10
Tobacco and heart disease
Keijiro Saku, Kyoto Japan
Tatsuya Morimoto, Shizuoka Japan
Speakers and Discussants (20 minutes each followed by discussion of 30 minutes by all)
Toyoaki Murohara, Aichi Japan
Tobacco and cardiovascular disease
Rei Goto, Tokyo Japan
Cost-benefit Effectiveness on Smoking Cessation
Lisa Demos, Australia
Pharmacotherapy and Australian initiatives for smoking cessation
Cardiac metabolism and mitochondria
Satoaki Matoba, Kyoto Japan
Hiroshi Kondo, Kyoto Japan
Speakers (15 minutes talk followed by 5 minutes Q&A for each speaker)
Osamu Yamaguchi, Ehime Japan
Mitochondria degradation as a novel therapeutic target for heart failure
Masaya Tanno, Hokkaido,Japan
Regulation of mitochondrial GSK-3β activity by kinases, phosphatases and
a deacetylase: a key determinant for mitochondrial permeability transition
Ippei Shimizu, Niigata Japan
The pathological role of brown adipose tissue dysfunction in cardio-metabolic disorders
Atsushi Hoshino, Kyoto Japan
Essential mitochondrial components to induce mitophagy